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Monday, April 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trying the Unknown.

A time I tried something I wasn't sure about, was the time I tried dance for the first time in a while. I knew at one time I had loved it, but I wasn't sure if the feeling was still there. I walked into Studio A dance company, and was just blown away by how much it had changed since it had been Academy of Dance Arts. Granted, it was a different person owning it, but they had previously worked at ADA. So, with the unknown looming ahead, I walked forward. I got into the lessons, and after we stretched, we did freestyling, or just any dance you wanted to do. We did a lot of the across the floor stuff, and I realized, I still really loved to dance, but I wasn't sure whether dancing in a studio was for me. I got about half way through the year before I decided that I didn't like dancing with a studio; I liked just dancing when I wanted to in my bedroom. So, I dropped out of classes, and it was for the best. My life got less stressful, and I was just happier. I still dance, but on my own terms with no teacher.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Break

         What I hope to do over Spring Break, is one, go on my church's mystery trip. Every year during Spring Break we have a trip, whether it be skiing, or camping, or a Mystery Trip. On Mystery Trip, we go on Saturday and come back that Tuesday, and we can't have any forms of communication, like phones. We don't know where we're going, or what we're doing; we only have hints. We can't have our phones because they don't want our parents telling us where we're going. It's supposed to be really fun, and I'm really excited about it. Then, when I get back that Tuesday, I plan on just relaxing and playing basketball, and things like that.