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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trying the Unknown.

A time I tried something I wasn't sure about, was the time I tried dance for the first time in a while. I knew at one time I had loved it, but I wasn't sure if the feeling was still there. I walked into Studio A dance company, and was just blown away by how much it had changed since it had been Academy of Dance Arts. Granted, it was a different person owning it, but they had previously worked at ADA. So, with the unknown looming ahead, I walked forward. I got into the lessons, and after we stretched, we did freestyling, or just any dance you wanted to do. We did a lot of the across the floor stuff, and I realized, I still really loved to dance, but I wasn't sure whether dancing in a studio was for me. I got about half way through the year before I decided that I didn't like dancing with a studio; I liked just dancing when I wanted to in my bedroom. So, I dropped out of classes, and it was for the best. My life got less stressful, and I was just happier. I still dance, but on my own terms with no teacher.